Prerequisite Angular Primitives requires Angular 17.3 or higher.


Angular Primitives is distributed as a single package with entrypoints for each primitive. This makes it easy to install and update, while keeping the bundle size as small as possible.

To install Angular Primitives, run the following command:

npm i @ng-primitives/ng-primitives


Our primitives come with schematics that allow you to quickly scaffold a new component with the recommended setup. This allows you to quickly get started with a new component, and gives you a good starting point for your own customizations.

The schematics come bundled for each primitive, so you can use them right away after installing the package.

ng generate @ng-primitives/ng-primitives:avatar

We also support Nx workspaces, so you can use the schematics with the nx generate command as well.

nx generate @ng-primitives/ng-primitives:avatar